Saturday, January 21, 2017

This is my first post as the starter.

I choose Taipei City (Taiwan)

Taipei was in my dream for many years before but I just decide to visit this city for the very first time on 2014 (summer season).

The flight I choose this time is Malaysia Airlines (actually a bit worry at that know what I mean). 😰😰

But it was a perfect journey for me. From Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur (KL) was smooth and I am enjoyed my movie. Arrived at KL for transit about 3 hours so I have to stay inside the airport with nothing to do. This is not the first time I am transit to this airport, it was a nice airport compare to Jakarta Airport but yet waiting is always make me feels boring.

For killing time, I decide to see around the airport from T1 to T2 with the auto moving train inside the airport ( and its free ).

After long waiting time, finally its time for boarding (I am so excited ^__^) . It took about 4 hours 30 minutes before arriving at Taoyuan International Airport (Taipei City).

The immigration queuing line was very long and when my turn come as usual thry hold me for an interview 😤😤😢 . (Why? Am I look like a terrorist?)

Sadly I walking to an interview room and an officer asking me few question like what I am doing in Taiwan? For how long? And where you stay? After hear explained and maybe see my innocent face as well so they release me. 😄😄😄

Horayyyy.... I am here Taipei! The journey just start it. I am looking around the airport sign for the train station but i couldn't found it because there is no train from the airport to Taipei city. So after asking to the information center and I am took the bus to Taipei City, I guess it took more than a hour before I am arrived at the Taipei bus station. It's a quite big station like a shopping center with few exit point.

Lucky me to always take some city map at the airport when arrived ( I suggest you guys to do it too ).. with the map, easily for me to find my hotel just 2 blocks from the station.

What a tiring day and a long flight... but its holiday so I am still exciting to walk around.... 😆😆😆

The first day, I only walk around my hotel area to find some food, snack, and milktea (Taipei are famous with their milktea like comebuy and a lot of others brand).

The 2nd day:

 I will start it with Liberty Square in Taipei (popular name is Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall).

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

The Gate of Integrity

Located at Zhongzheng, Taipei

Chiang Kai-shek memorial hall is a national monument, landmark and tourist attraction erected in memory of Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China.

The monument surrounded by a park, National Theater and National Concert Hall.

National concert hall

Inside of the main building at the upper level in which a large statue of Chiang Kai-shek is located.

The are two set of white stairs, each with 89 steps to represent Chiang's age at the time of his death, lead to the main entrance. So be prepare to wear a comfort shoe :)

Personally I like this place because the building was amazing.

Others photo as mentioned above will follow.

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